Participation in: design - 100%; development - 100%;
test - 100%; documentation - 100%;
support(on-site and remote) - 100%
Man-Months: 36
Start Date: 2002
End Date: 2003
Current stage: support, customer specific changes
Live shops: http://club.abv.bg | http://eshop.mbm-bg.com
Tools and Platforms for Design and Development
  • Linux or MS Windows 2000/XP
  • ORACLE Server 9i or MySQL
  • Apache Tomcat
  • J2EE - JavaBeans, Servlets, JSP
  • HTML, XML/XSLT, JavaScript, CSS
  • CASE: ErWin

eShop represents a complete Internet Shopping Center. It provides a complete set of functionality to manage all activities of such kind of Internet Shopping Center. Multilanguage support is implemented. All language dependent data is fetched from database storage.

eShop is implemented as a 3-tiered J2EE application with thin client (WEB browser):

  • Data storage - RDBMS tables
  • Business logic - JavaBeans, Servlets
  • Data presentation - Java Server Pages (JSP), HTML, JavaScript and CSS.
eShop consists of the following subsystems:
  • User/Role Management
    This subsystem provides functionality for user's login/logout, registration of new user, management of user's personal data, incl. goods delivery addresses, resending of forgotten password, etc. Each user is attached to one of the predefined user's roles in the system: Guest, User, Admin, Company Admin. This set can be extended with new roles. To browse and collect the shopping basked a registration is not needed, it is needed only to order the goods.
  • Article Management
    This subsystem provides functionality to manage the articles and bundles (group of articles to be sale together) in the store. To allow a fast access to the articles they are grouped in categories. The category three can be expanded in order the needed article description to be visualized.
  • Basket Management
    This subsystem provides complete functionality to store, manage (add, edit, delete) articles in the user's basked. Shows some important information for articles and calculate some fields (price, number of Items, discounts, etc.).
  • Order Management
    This subsystem allows the end user to manage his order details and to see the current state of all his orders. By default a payment mechanism on Internet is implemented using the Bulgarian national payment system - ePay. For different customers additional customer specific payment mechanisms are also implemented.

eShop contains of about:

  • 63 database tables and the corresponding relationships/constraints
  • 19 reports, including graphics
  • 102 form applications

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